Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore,Hainanese Lim Clans Three Nations' Biennial Reunion Convention Dinner held on Sunday 22 Aug. 2010. 24 Aug 2010 Malaysian Hainanese Lim Clan Association Dear President Hee Suan, On behalf of Singapore Hainan Lim Clan Association, I wish to thank you once again for leading 12 members of your association to attend the Three Nations' Biennial Reunion Convention Dinner held on last Sunday 22 Aug. Your speech was good. The performances of singing from your wife, Keng Tong's wife and Gilian Lim were great. Keng Tong's jokes cracked on stage aroused a lot of laughter. Do you know that you led a blessed delegation to Singapore as the Heavens protected you all the way with good weather? Please read the email below that I sent to our association committee members. It seems that good man is always protected by Heavens with good weather or good fortune. Please keep it up. Thai delegates left Singapore yesterday afternoon and the delegates from Hainan left early this morning. Best regards Clarence Lim Tee Moui Chairman UNILITE CHEMICALS Pte Ltd 10 Joo Koon Circle S(629042), SINGAPORE Tel: 6558 6828 DID: 6558 6833 Fax: 6558 7811